Thursday, July 4, 2013

Camp 2013 Wednesday

Today we pass the halfway point of camp. It is always hard to believe how fast camp seems to go by. It rained some overnight and we woke up to an overcast day. It is amazing to have the cool weather we have had, considering this is the first week of July. Despite several bouts of rain the last couple of days, we have managed to get all of our activities completed. Also fortunately we haven't dealt with any severe weather, just simple rain showers. One other observation is that there is a freshness in the air after the rain that we don't get in an urban area.

This is one of the days during the week that start the day later. Instead of breakfast starting at 7:15 as it has the last two days, today breakfast starts at 8:45. This extra rest really helps especially after two full days of activity.

The table tiki was won by Andrew's cabin. The flag talk with given by Steve Gaines. After the flag talk the campers go to clean their cabins and then to the morning devotional in the B lodge. Michael Clinger's cabin led the morning devotional today.

Today's lesson for the Grow Up theme was Big Team. The scriptures are Proverbs 13:20 and I Corinthians 15:33. The bottom line is "God uses relationships to impact and grow our faith". Donna taught the younger campers today and Russ taught the older campers. One of the examples they used was a stack of 2 x 4 pieces stacked to be a Jenga game. (Pardon my spelling, I know the game but I am not sure if how to spell it.) The younger campers played quite a long game and the stack of wood was very unstable before it fell.  We were all amazed by Eli Edwards. The stack of wood was very unstable, and it was Eli's turn. He went up and quickly pulled out a piece of wood and the stack did not move. The older campers made about five moves before theirs fell.

After classes it is lunch time. The table tike was won by Mark Hager's cabin. The golden broom was won by Kerri Loftis' cabin for the girls and Kyle Taylor's cabin won it for the boys. Chad reported that cabins were leaving good bribes and apparently the older more experienced boys know how to bribe.

After lunch we gathered outside and Lisa Gregg was presented with her fifteenth year award.

The activities were sweetheart kickball for the younger campers. It never ceases to amaze me the reactions to this game by the younger campers. However, after the warm up games and getting over the hump of selecting a kickball partner, what you hear from the field is laughter and the campers having fun. The older campers went on the hike to the bottom of the falls. Normally when they hike to the bottom of the falls, the get together and lookup and a photo is taken from the top. The one taken with the younger campers was posted yesterday. We weren't able to take that picture because of the volume of water coming over the falls. It was amazing how much more water was coming over the falls today.

After the evening meal, we went to the pool.  The water in the pool here is cool even on the hottest days. We thought maybe that the pool would be cold given the cool weather that we have been having.  Many campers did get into the pool, but many other stayed on the side.

Wednesday night is the night Larry Beard comes up for entertainment.  We enjoyed Larry Beard, Danny Gregg, Lisa Gregg, Frank Batson, Billy Seal, Steve Gaines, and Darlene Sweet. If you have a chance sometime you should see Danny's performance of the song "Swinging". Also during the song Wildfire, David Peden and Kyle Taylor joined in with motions to the song.

The night was ended with devotional time in the B Lodge.

Created with flickr slideshow.

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